Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's no secret that I'm a fan of Steve Jobs and his products.  As I've struggled to put my thoughts together for this first blog post, I've found myself wanting to use his wisdom to illustrate where my head is these days.  

This journey began a few years ago when I started an after-school tech club we call Oak Hill eLeaders.  (Check them out - they're AMAZING!)  It didn't take long to realize that my role as a "teacher" was changing.  I learned quickly that I would NOT be the one standing in the front of the room with all the answers.  Why?  Well, because I didn't have all the answers.  And that was okay.  So, here we are, three years later, and my Oak Hill eLeaders are now traveling the U.S., teaching teachers how to maximize student learning through technology!

Since I'm never one to think inside the box, I have been looking for a way to provide this leadership opportunity for more kiddos in my community.  As a result of reading a life-changing book called Crush It, by Gary Vaynerchuk, the eLeader Academy was born.  Reading his book, I found the courage to take some risks and do what I love, and teach the way that is best for kids - not in a way dictated by standardized tests - and it has been a BLAST!

eLeaders meet on evenings and weekends and we explore, question, solve problems, collaborate, and learn from each other.  eLeaders get to decide the content they learn and how deeply they go in learning it; they take ownership over their own learning.  I'm not afraid to admit I don't always have all the answers.  It's okay that eLeaders often see me learning right along with them.  Sometimes, when classes are offered for the younger kiddos, some of the older eLeaders will attend so they can help by teaching.  This happened with our recent Code Academy 2013 in December and you can see the pictures here.  It is powerful when you can see kids teaching kids!  Wow!  Talk about goosebumps; I'm so blessed.

We are educating today's students for jobs that don't yet exist; I carry this thought with me every day.  That's another reason I opened the eLeader Academy.  I have been asked if I am starting my own school and the answer is "No."  I'm such a believer in public schools - I'm a product of them and have spent an 18-year career in them.  The older I get and the more I learn,  though, the more I realize that it's time to dream outside the box.  

It's time to dream and work outside the box.  That's what I'm doing.  I'm breaking some rules.
I'm doing what no one else has done in this community:
  • Help students discover their strengths and passions using technology and leadership frameworks.
  • Help students change the world in their ways and in their time - not mine.  
  • Let students CHOOSE how they learn best, and let them learn that way.
  • Help students find purposeful work so they don't settle for just a "job" - ever.
  • Give students a VOICE that will make people listen.  Kids are the best teachers among us if we will just stay quiet long enough to listen to them.   

In a few weeks, we will have our first eLeader Boot Camp Graduation.  eLeaders will present their projects as they will be teaching the audience all about cool, techie tools - and I can't wait!  They've been working so hard!

I'm not sure where this journey will lead.  Ultimately, I'm okay with that and am actually excited about it!  

I just know that I don't need standardized test scores or data to tell me how to provide the best learning and leadership opportunities for kids.  We will continue to dream outside the box and see where it takes us.  If the future is half as exciting as the past, then there's no question we're on the right path!