Friday, February 22, 2013

My CV...

A couple of my students gave this to me yesterday...  I think it could be my Curriculum Vitae... What do you think?  I mean, who else would have the "Harlem Shake" mixed with Ron Clark, UK Basketball, and Maya Moore on a resume?  I'm going with it...


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Parent Pinterest Pack!

So... I was procrastinating today on grading some math papers... not an unusual occurrence  for me, by the way...

I started thinking about all the projects I still want to do with my kiddos before the end of the year.  We have Dr. Seuss' birthday, Earth Day, and Poem in Your Pocket Day, just to name a few!

As my head swam, I began to think about how in the world I was going to get it all done. Well, alone, I can't.  

I make it no secret that I'm not a fan of Pinterest; it's just not organized enough for me.  I'll just leave it at that.  I fully recognize, however, that there are tons of fantastic ideas found on Pinterest that can be used in the classroom.  Well, I decided that I need to rely on these AMAZING  parents I have that are Pinterest users, and seek their help!

"Parent Pinterest Pack" was born.

It is my hope that our page can be a place where we organize our thoughts, post cool links/ideas, and determine teams to get it all done.  I'm super excited about it, so much so that I'm sharing it on the same day I've launched it!  I just added it to my class Weebly site and set it up as a blog - easy peasy.

Here it is -  "Parent Pinterest Pack."

I have asked for feedback from parents. So far, they like it.  I'm sure we will make changes as we go.  I'm always a fan of a techie tool when you can use it WITHOUT  usernames, passwords, etc.

Let me know what you think after you take a look at it, as well as suggestions for improvement.

Now, back to those math papers...

Sunday, February 17, 2013


(All pics used with permission.)

Today I was looking through all the pictures I've taken this year in my classroom - I'm up to almost 350!  (It's only February!  Yikes!)

I'm making a video for my students of this year's memories.  I worked on it for a few hours today.  I can't scroll through these pictures without tears.  I know I've been doing this teaching gig for 17 years, but this year has included more "firsts" for me than any other year. 

The kiddos in my room are unbelievable. 

They step up to every single challenge before them and knock it out of the park - every time.
More than any other year, I have taken risks and tried new ideas (thanks to my truly gifted PLN on Twitter!) - some have soared - some have flopped!  With each new adventure, my kiddos are right there with me.  The best part?  They're completely honest about the new things we try.  I love that.  (They never hesitate to let me know when I've made a mistake on a video, too!  I think that's cool!)

One of our most recent challenges just happened a few days ago...
Last week, we received a new student.  We had planned to exchange our valentines the very day the new student would join us; I had less than 24 hours to prepare for the student's arrival.  Not a big deal, really, but I was worried she wouldn't have any valentines.  I emailed my families and asked that they share with their 4th graders that we'd have a new student the following day, etc.  The next morning, the students arrived with letters, cards, valentines, etc.  Wowzers!  I read a few of them, and was so touched by their thoughtfulness.  At the end of the new student's first day, she shared that she'd had a wonderful day, and felt like she "belonged;" her mom said the same.  I told my kiddos yet again how proud I was of them.  They stepped up!  I knew they would.

This class will always hold a special place in my heart, because they let me take risks, and they let me learn right along with them.  They email me, tell me, write me post-its, and share freely what works and what doesn't.  We work hard and play hard.  We laugh and we love.  They are precious beings and I'm blessed every day to be with them.  I'm so thankful.  Can't wait to see that video!