Monday, May 18, 2015

Why Blog?

Guiding Questions:
What's the purpose?  
Who is your audience?
What is your message?

What will we do?
Look at other blogs
Jump in and play!
Next Steps...

Why Great Teachers Blog & How to Get Started
Seven Reasons Teachers Should Blog

How Many Pages?
-Others? (Other Resources about Ireland?)

My Favorite Teacher Blogs:
Kleinspiration -  Erin Klein, 2nd Grade Teacher, Michigan
The Cool Cat Teacher - Vicki Davis, High School Teacher, Georgia
6 Traits of Writing - Kristina Smekens, Indiana
Cybrary Man! - Retired Teacher, Florida
Cybrary Man's Blogs Page
Angela Maiers - #youmatter - Iowa

EVSC iCats: Creating a Profile in Blogger:

Create a Team Blog: