Monday, August 4, 2014

Thank you for making the world more awesome...

Hey teachers, who’s ready for another amazing school year?

I keep thinking about all the hours you are spending in your classrooms to make everything just right before school starts next week.  I need to take a minute to send you a message.  

You see, I know what you’re doing right now:  you’re taping, copying, hanging, organizing, planning, teaming, measuring, learning, waiting, running, panicking, dreaming, working, meeting, drinking (coffee!  Where’s the coffee?!), reading, praying, cursing (you know who you are! ha!), borrowing, stapling, moving, worrying, shopping, buying, sleeping (well, not really), and freaking out!    ...And you’ll wake up, and do it all over again tomorrow!  :-)

You need to hear this.  Loud and clear:

Thank you for all the sacrifices you make every single day to serve your students and their families.   

Thank you for helping that student teacher learn how to master this beautiful, complicated art we call teaching.
Thank you for trying to keep up with the latest acronyms in the building.  The list keeps growing!
Thank you for going to work on that day that your head won’t stop pounding.
Thank you for the awesome ideas that hit you at 2:00am, even though you wish they would have arrived around 6:00am instead!
Thank you for sitting through those verrrrrrrry long meetings with a smile on your face, knowing the info. could have been sent via email.
Thank you for volunteering for that committee, even though you’re wondering where you’ll squeeze in the time to serve.
Thank you for listening.
Thank you for giving up your lunch break to help cover the recess duty.
Thank you for pressing on, especially on Fridays, when the exhaustion is beating you up!
Thank you for sharing all of your materials and ideas with the new teacher down the hall, because you know he/she is scared to death.
Thank you for joining the PTA, because they rock!
Thank you for trying that new “techie tool” even though you have no idea when you’ll use it.
Thank you for learning how to send a tweet.
Thank you for always learning.
Thank you for finding the humor that lifts everyone up!
Thank you for persevering until the light bulb comes on!  Magic!
Thank you for that hug you gave that one student, just because.
Thank you for drying all the tears on the first day.  And the second day.  And the third day.
Thank you for doing what you do.  Every day.

You inspire me.  You motivate me.  You DO make a difference.  It is my hope that you believe that.

I hope you have a fantastic year!
(...and if you need help with that techie tool, call me!)

Thanks for making the world more awesome.


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